1-888-495-IMEX contact@im-ex.global

Touring China

Pres. Ryan Berezay and V. Pres. Tyler Nieforth the month touring new factories, expanding inventory, and overseeing production of multiple orders.

Company Name Change

Im-Ex II Inc. has had an official name change to Im-Ex Global, as it is a better representation of what we do. Also, II (standing for International Interchange) was constantly being mistaken for the roman numeral.

Computex ’08

Another great Computex. It is always exciting to see what new technologies are making there way to the international market. We plan to introduce many of these items in the upcoming months.

Total Package eCommerce Solution

Im-Ex, Pure Studios, and e-Mersion (Formerly Fourth Star) have teamed up with a number of Professional Associations to develop a custom eCommerce solution to not only provide discounted electronics to their members but also to incentivize new members to join. This...